DoorWays® Ministry Network


Ric Shields Season 3 Episode 40

Operation Serve® has significantly impacted over 60,000 people in Mexico, fostering commitments to serve Jesus. Rosi Cortina, the National Director of Operation Serve® International's Mexico Field, shares her 35-year journey with the ministry, highlighting divine interventions and miraculous events.

The ministry's outreach efforts, including medical, dental, optical care, haircare, and children's ministries have led to numerous healings and life-changing experiences. The podcast emphasizes the importance of trusting God, prayer, and the power of divine intervention in ministry work.

GUEST: Rosi Cortina
Season 3, Episode 40


Ric Shields (00:00):

Do you have any idea, Rosi, how many people in Mexico that Operation Serve® has had the opportunity to influence in their commitments to serve Jesus?

Rosi Cortina (00:10):

Well, we have the account but it is more than 3,000 people. No, more than 60,000 people.

Ric Shields (00:21):


Rosi Cortina (00:23):

60,000 people.

Ric Shields (00:25):

That is incredible.


Thank you for joining us on this podcast. I'm Ric Shields, your host, and the director of the DoorWays® Ministry Network. I'm not certain that I have the right words to express how happy I am to be joined today with our dear friend, Rosi Cortina. Rosi is the National Director of Operation Serve® International's Mexico Field.

Rosi Cortina (00:54):

Thank you so very much for the invitation. I am excited about this interview.

Ric Shields (01:00):

We first met you, Rosi, I think over 30 years ago when we took a small team to work with you in the impoverished communities and garbage dumps of Mexico City. How long, do you know how long you've been a part of the ministry of Operation Serve® now?

Rosi Cortina (01:16):

Yeah. It's been more than 30 years.

Ric Shields (01:20):

So how long has it been?

Rosi Cortina (01:23):

35 years.

Ric Shields (01:25):

Is that right? Because I think we actually met you in 1992, was the first time that we met you

Rosi Cortina (01:32):


Ric Shields (01:33):

I wanted to, and I think Ariceli, we met her also. She was a national dentist, is that right, who was working with us with Operation Serve®.

Rosi Cortina (01:42):

Yes. Oh, that's been, of course, Dr. Ariceli. Unforgettable. Yeah.

Ric Shields (01:46):

Well, I want to get into our topic of divine interventions - times when God showed up in spaces and places and just exceeded our expectations. I know that you've been a part of many of these kinds of events, but I don't want to go there until we remember the reason why it is that God miraculously reveals himself in these situations. He does this not only to display his power and his divine nature, but to express his love to people and to draw them closer to him.


And I've personally been with Operation Serve®, I counted, I think I've been with them on thirty-nine different teams over the years. Some summers I had three teams in the same summer. So that kind of inflates numbers a bit. Sheila has come to Mexico City separately with at least eight Simply Sisters® teams, I think. We've helped about 840 people to join us and minister together with Operation Serve® over the years.


All of that to say we've seen a lot with you. And the one thing we see over and over again is people coming to the events, usually held in churches, and giving their lives to Jesus. Over the years, we've seen thousands of people praying with counselors and asking Jesus to forgive their sins and give them new life in Christ.


Do you have any idea, Rosi, how many people in Mexico that Operation Serve® has had the opportunity to influence and their commitments to serve Jesus?

Rosi Cortina (03:08):

Well, we have the account but it is more than three thousand people, no more than 60,000 people.

Ric Shields (03:21):


Rosi Cortina (03:22):

60,000 people.

Ric Shields (03:25):

That is incredible. And these new believers, they're not just let out of the area where we come in and have ministry and then told to go fend for themselves, to grow in the Lord, give them a Bible, pat them on the back. What happens to these new believers once they leave that outreach site?

Rosi Cortina (03:44):

That's why I love to serve with Operation Serve®, because this is something very important for us. We want for the people to get connected to the local church. So, it is very important for the pastors to be involved with everything that happens in the outreaches. And then they commit to follow up on the people.


It is not only, as you said, to leave them there and not do anything, but make sure that they get to know them, they start a relationship with them, and then they, at the final step, they are planted in the church. So that's in that church or another church, we don't care. But it is important for us that they really have a place to go to keep on learning about Jesus.

Ric Shields (04:38):

Do you work this out ahead of time before you ever take a team? Does a pastor know what will be expected of them for follow up?

Rosi Cortina (04:45):

We visit every pastor, every church before taking a team, and we explain to them how we are going to work with them. And we explain to them that the most important area in the outreach is the counseling area and then the follow up. And they commit to do that, to do so.

Ric Shields (05:06):

And as I understand it, you even have a follow up with those pastors at the end of the summer to find out what they did. Am I correct?

Rosi Cortina (05:16):

Yes. And we ask them to send those testimonies when they go and visit the people and talk to them and just care for them.

Ric Shields (05:27):

What seems to happen to these churches after these events take place?

Rosi Cortina (05:32):

It is amazing because in the outreaches sometimes we see around seven hundred people or eight hundred people in one week. So, the church has to grow, and then this is a very good way to get new members for the church. So, it is important for them.

Ric Shields (05:56):

I remember a time Rosi, when we went to a small church in a village, probably an hour bus ride outside of the city. In fact, many of the places we go to are at least an hour bus ride. But up high on the side of a mountain and they had a very small area, maybe the size of about a one car garage - that size of a building where they were meeting. And they had some chairs in there, maybe 30, 40 chairs.


And we pull up in this bus and all of a sudden many people from the community show up. They had wrapped this little building with some kind of insulated material, almost like a large bubble wrap. They'd wrapped this building just, you know, to protect it from the elements when people were in having service. And we showed up and so many people showed up. And for them to be able to let people see and hear what was going on, I remember them going out and tearing all these things off the walls so that people could actually participate. And it was a wonderful outreach we had that day. There were many people who were born again, and as I recall, that church at least doubled the next Sunday when they had a service.

Rosi Cortina (07:04):


Ric Shields (07:04):

And that's not unusual. It's not unusual. Is that correct that these churches will actually sometimes double their numbers the next week?

Rosi Cortina (07:13):

Yes. It is amazing. And these days, it is even very important for us to be there to support them because, you know, after Covid it has been hard for the churches to get the people come back to the church. So, this has been a blessing.


This summer has been amazing because of that, because we see the people now getting more comfortable coming back to the church. So yeah, they grow. And even members that are having been there for a long time, they are coming back.

Ric Shields (07:51):

Thank the Lord.


We've seen some amazing divine interventions at these outreaches with you and our team members over the years. One place that people may not quite understand why this happens is the miracles that take place in the optical area. So, people come to receive an eye examination and hopefully some glasses. Team members have been trained how to give these examinations and miracles in the optical area actually happen. Can you recall some of those miraculous divine intervention things with us?

Rosi Cortina (08:28):

Oh, my goodness. It is amazing what the Lord does because actually these miracles happen every week when we are serving. Because yeah, there is a, there is a time when you don't have what the people need. You look all over and you spend time because when the people come to the optical area, we really want, or to any area, we really want to help them in a way and to serve them, for them to leave with eyeglasses and see better. But, you know, we all have limitations.


So, we, we work hard to do that. And then we look and look and we can't find anything. Then we just ask, God, please help me to find something for this person. Then you go back look again. And there they are the eyeglasses for the, for the person are there.

Ric Shields (09:26):

Yeah. We just can't go out and buy them. We just can't go out and buy eyeglasses for them when they come to the outreach. I mean, sometimes we're quite a way away from anywhere that sells glasses.

Rosi Cortina (09:36):

Yeah. It is impossible.

Ric Shields (09:39):

I remember a time when we were there with the team and the end of the day some person came in and I'm wanting to say, "Sorry. No, we can't help." Her glasses were so thick and so bad. And I just thought, "Boy, this, she should have come here earlier. We've got to go."


And you, and I think Connie said, "No, no, I think we can help." And we did an eye exam and her eyes were so bad and I'm going, there's no way at all.


And one of the people were with us was Brittany Bartmann. Brittany looked at the examination and she said, "Wait a minute. Wait, I think we've got something exactly like that!" It was a totally unique, crazy prescription that she needed. Brittany went over to this box of glasses and pulled out exactly what this woman needed. And it left me saying I was ready to just say, "Nope, we can't help." And Jesus was saying, "Yes, we can."

Rosi Cortina (10:41):

Yes. Something that we have learned doing and serving the people is to not to give up so easily. So always pray and always ask God to intervene to help the people. And we know that who loves them more than anybody. So, it's Jesus. So, Jesus comes and just help us and in a divine way, he provides.

Ric Shields (11:11):

Have there been times when it, it appeared as if a healing took place, maybe in the medical area during one of these outreaches?

Rosi Cortina (11:19):

Yes. We, we have had people that couldn't hear and that now they can hear, people in wheelchairs that come and they cannot walk. And then they are walking and amazing. People with pain, back pain, or any pain in their body. We pray for them and we just ask God to do his work. And they are healed. It is amazing. And it is a great testimony for the people around.

Ric Shields (11:51):

You're listening to the DoorWays® Ministry Network podcast. My name is Ric Shields and I'm joined on this episode with Rosi Cortina. Rosi is the National Director of Operation Serve® International's Mexico Field. We're talking about Divine Interventions - times when miraculous things happened right before our eyes. And we've seen things like this happen when we've given bags of groceries to people in some of the poor communities. Can you tell us about at least one of those times, Rosi?

Rosi Cortina (12:17):

Oh, my goodness. Yeah. It is, it is amazing how the Lord works with that. You see, we get to the places and you see the crowd and you see, and you think you know, it's going to be impossible to have something for everybody. So again, you pray and then ask God, God, you can multiply as you have done it before. So, let's trust you to do it.


So, we start, and I think it's very important to, to start doing it so for the Lord to bless the giving. So, we start, and then at the end, everybody receives something and we cannot explain it because we are very, very good counting what we have and what we, and I'm guessing more or less the people that is going to be there. But the Lord always shows up.

Ric Shields (13:16):

Why is it that this happens, Rosi? I mean, not occasionally. It seems like this repeatedly happens.

Rosi Cortina (13:23):

Yes, yes. Because the need is so huge. The need is so big that for us it's impossible to supply for everything. But we have learned that for God it is not impossible. He, he's amazing. I have no words to explain what he does all the time.

Ric Shields (13:48):

I was with a youth group from Tulsa at one time when we were left awestruck. We were giving out backpacks with school supplies in them. Do you remember that time like I do? What do you remember about it?

Rosi Cortina (14:00):

I remember. Yeah.

Ric Shields (14:02):

It seems we had prepared like five hundred backpacks to be given away at three different churches that week. By the time we got to the last church on Thursday of that week, we had 211 backpacks available to give out. We had counted them at least twice and knew exactly how many we had to give away.


And we didn't just throw them out the windows and hope some kid would find them. You helped us to set up a system to give them away. And how was that supposed to work, that system?

Rosi Cortina (14:32):

Yeah, I love it because I know this was God's idea because you know, every time you want to give something to the needy people, sometimes it could be very bad. So, what we started doing was asking for the report card from the school from kids. So that will show us that they pass for the next grade. It doesn't matter the grade, but just that they are going to the next level.


And then that way they register, they bring the proof of the school, and then they receive a number. That way we are going to give that kid a school, a school bag.

Ric Shields (15:19):

Well, we knew we might be in trouble when we saw how many kids were at this event. There was nowhere for us to go to buy more backpacks on such short notice. We started asking the kids in the youth group that were with us to pray that we'd have enough backpacks to go around. How many kids do you remember registering?

Rosi Cortina (15:38):

It was about 219. Yeah.

Ric Shields (15:44):

I think that's right. And we had carefully counted the number of backpacks and we knew there were exactly 211 backpacks.

Rosi Cortina (15:57):


Ric Shields (15:58):

But when we left, at the end of the day, we had little "fichas," little notes that had the number for the child who received them, just the numbers. That's all we had. Not names, just numbers. And we had 219 of those. Each kid had received a backpack, but we only went with 211. That's just mind blowing.

Rosi Cortina (16:27):

That's amazing. That's amazing. Because the children were so happy and we were extremely happy that that happened because it is always sad not to have enough to give to the people.

Ric Shields (16:41):

You've told me when I've said, "Rosi, why does this happen?" You said, "Pastor Ric, God loves the people from Mexico."

Rosi Cortina (16:52):

Yes, yes, I remember.

Ric Shields (16:55):

And he does have a special heart for them. These are people in difficult situations that do all they know to do, and, and it seems never to be enough. And for us to go and bring some joy, to bring a little bit of help to bring some hope. It's such a wonderful opportunity when we do that.


I've said it before on this podcast, ministry marks us. Looking back, Rosi, what important lessons have you learned to help others on their journey? What have you learned that you can share to encourage others?

Rosi Cortina (17:30):

First of all, I've learned to trust God more and more and more and more every time. And just to not to try to do what I do on my own effort, but always trust God to do it.


My life changed completely from the moment I started serving him because I wasn't the person I am today. And he has taught me so many lessons about trusting him and growing in faith and just pray, pray, pray, pray. Always ask for his will to be done. That's so, so important for me. And this is what I can tell the people that trust God for everything. There is nothing too big for him that he cannot help you with.

Ric Shields (18:29):

Before we pray for people, I want to just mention that if you're one of our listeners and you would have interest in joining a team in Mexico City next summer or even taking a team, or there are other times that teams go and work not just in the summertime. There's fall break team, spring break, there's, there's Christmas time. There are many different times that teams go. You can reach Operation Serve® at this phone number area code 51three-9 three 9-2000. Or you can check out their website:


Rosi, I'd like for you to pray for our listeners today. Someone who's listening may need a divine intervention, a miracle for themself or a miracle for a loved one. Would you pray for them as we give glory to God for all he has done in your life and all he is done through the ministry of Operation Serve®.

Rosi Cortina (19:22):

For sure. He is the only one to receive all the glory and all the honor. He's the one that does everything. And Lord, I just ask you today that if there is anyone there that needs divine intervention in their life, Lord, that you do it, Lord. You are a great Lord. You are a great God. We trust you and I know that when we come to you asking for anything, if it's in your will, you will do it, Lord.


Help us to understand you better and better and to get to know you better and better because it is amazing to walk with you and to wait on you and trust you Lord, with everything, with our whole life. That's very, very important Lord. And bless every listener this day, Lord, in a very special way.


Bless Pastor Ric and his ministry, Lord. Thank you so very much because they are a great blessing to your work too, Lord. Thank you so very much. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Ric Shields (20:36):

Rosi Cortina is a special friend to Sheila, me and to scores of others who have had the opportunity to meet and minister with her over the years. I'd like to say that I don't know how she keeps the pace of all she does working with the Operation Serve® national staff, the pastors and churches in the area where they serve, and all of the volunteers who come from the US and even other countries be a part of Operation Serve® teams. But I know what she would say. She would tell us that the Lord is good and gives her the strength to do what needs to be done day by day.


Now, you may not be leading teams of 300 - 400 people every summer. You may not be feeding scores of needy families or helping to provide medical, dental, or optical care to 5,000 individuals coming to summer outreaches in churches.


You may be working hard to care for your family or even for one person. I'm praying for you to find the strength and the resources essential to be a part of the miracle others need as you minister to them in the name of Jesus. You see, it isn't how many we serve that counts. What matters is that we are faithful to serve those who the Lord sends to us. And when he's ready to bring more to your table, he will also be faithful to provide all that matters.


Drop me a note at info at and let me know if we're providing the kind of content that is beneficial to you or let me know if there's a topic you'd like for us to consider.


I look forward to sharing an episode with you next week. Until then, may the Lord bless you and those closest to you.


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